Women In Tech – Week 2

In this blog post I will talk about all the things that we have done in our first team meeting which includes brainstorming, sharing ideas and our research.

Since we have only looked with my team only a little bit on things like statistics and general things about women in tech, we were having a bit hard time, but I said that we could at least brainstorm some ideas and get some keywords related to our topic. At this point I was looking at some synonyms and even symbols of females to find as many relatable words despite that some might have appeared derogatory, I still wanted to get them out of my system. I didn’t want to miss anything since I thought it will help us to come up with best possible campaign name and slogan. For this we used Emily’s created Miro board at https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lTcmJgE=/ .

I already noticed here that I will be having a strong team and I was really excited about how we will develop our work. Since we already had a decent amount of options, we decided to look more into possible concepts before going to the client meeting. Here I have found things like white hat which means good hacking and Spider Grandmother that is basically a symbol of leadership and empowerment. Both my team and client like the Spider Grandmother concept idea since we could use spider web and world wide web visuals for our campaign, but we still wanted to explore more ideas.

Image reference: Evans, S. (2016, May 27). Mythological Girls: Spider Grandmother (2/2). Girl Museum. https://www.girlmuseum.org/mythological-girls-spider-grandmother-22

During the same week we managed to have more meetings where we all presented some more research. I was personally looking into different patterns since I noticed a lot hi-tech related visuals are quite geometrical. Fast forward this meeting I also initiated a voting poll for our campaign name and slogan where we all were using circled shapes on our Miro board to vote for 2 possible options. It was a fun idea and it has helped us to already decide on some of the things related to this project. At this point we already knew for which names we will be designing our logos, so that’s how we our task for next team meeting.

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