Women In Tech – Week 5

During this week we have been finalising our poster design and creating plans for other deliverables.

In one of the meetings we have been trying to figure out which font family we will be using for our body copy and have tried different things on spot. Here we all came to conclusion to use Rany.

This meeting was very productive since we already had our posters finished more or less, we just only needed to change body copy text and we were moving forward to other visuals. During this meeting I noticed that my team is a bit lost, I helped them to stay motivated by asking some questions on what we could do and encouraged them to decide on some of the things now together in the team since we would already know what we would be doing. This has helped a lot for the whole process since we already had ideas of where we would be putting our work when it comes to marketing and also what we will include in other design outcomes. We were all really happy with the productivity of this meeting and I was happy that I managed to push my team to participate as much when it came figuring out marketing strategy and content of other deliverables. Here is all the things that we considered and agreed on. While we weren’t sure if we will use all of this, it was still a very good start towards other designs. We also used that meeting to plan out the things to mention on our pitch presentation and clarified all the concept and aims.

During our pitch presentation we have been given quite some good feedback and it seemed that the tutors and client liked our work. We have been told though to adjust the title on the posters to make it less rigid, we all as a team agreed with this feedback, but the second idea of making typeface into circuit seemed way too chaotic and too far from what we are trying to achieve as we discussed with the team afterwards.

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