Patterns (Birmingham)

Even though I looked into some of the patterns in Coventry, I also looked into some of them at Birmingham too.

As I have walked around Custard Factory and inside, I have noticed that the paint on the ceiling is falling apart. I have figured this could be one of the things that symbolises destruction when it comes to my poster design concept.

From my personal archive.

One of the parking lot entrances had this at their gate. It’s literally pressed metal of the cards, but I have never seen anything like that. The rust itself speaks for itself. And while my poster concept is destruction by industry, this still catched my interest.

From my personal archive.

I have also decided to visit “Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery.” I was always interested in optical art, because it always leaves me with a lot of questions. Patterns are used in a lot of OP art work.

From my personal archive.

This was so far one of the most interesting things I have found. I was always fascinated by crystals, and there was this Garnet crystal with calcite on display. This stone wasn’t tumbled nor polished, it was like a cluster and it looked like someone left it this way as it has been just mined. This perfectly shows industry destruction when it comes to nature. Crystals and diamonds are being mined all the time for human use.

From my personal archive.

Another thing that I really liked was this digital print on glass by Leanne O’Connor. It looks very destructive just as someone just ripped a piece from the painting and sticked it on the wall.

From my personal archive.

Here’s some more findings:

From my personal archive.

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