
When it comes to studio there’s quite a few things I would like to talk about. Starting with the opportunities, challenges it gives and ending with the way it has influenced my work.

Firstly I would like to talk about the idea that having a studio is amazing. It’s not only a place to learn, but also to do my work. For example last term I used to have a 3 hour gap between my lectures, because of add vantage module I had, so studio was ideal place for me to get on with my work during that time. Speaking of my add vantage module which was photography, studio has also become a place for me, because the lighting here was way better than in class where I used to have photography lectures. Once we had been given a task to play with ambient light, so I went to my studio to do some pictures, but I never knew this is where it’s going to take me. I looked at the projector and I thought “I’ve always wanted to shoot something with projector” and so I did. I looked up for jellyfish and bokeh pictures. It was definitely a fun experiment and this gave me an idea that I could apply such thing in the future for my graphic design work.

From my personal archive.

The other thing I would like to talk about is that working in this studio can be challenging as well as stimulating. When it comes to workshops I believe they’re perfect to deepen the knowledge of the things that I have been taught during the lectures, this helps to understand better with what task I’m dealing with as well as analyse it, for instance the lectures where I had analysed poster/leaflet designs in class. The another thing I would like to point out it’s the critiques that I’m getting on my work. I believe this is not only making me better at my work, but also it stimulates creativity, because I have to look for a different ways to solve the problems and fix my work after I have received feedback. Basically both of these things are challenging to me, but they’re also helping me to achieve the best work.

This is the leaflet design that I was able to see at the studio.

I must also point out that it’s a perfect place to work on projects, when there’s no lectures. I believe library and the hub is way too crowded and noisy, which sometimes isn’t ideal on the days where I can’t concentrate easily nor understand what’s happening. There’s days when I find it difficult to think, but working in the quiet environment seems to be helping me when I have such day, this way not only I can do better as a individual, but also if I’m working in team, because this way we can work as productively as possible without anything taking our attention away.

When it comes to the influence this studio had to my work, I believe it definitely helped me to understand that research and analysis is crucial to get the knowledge on the things I’m dealing with. For example I would have never thought that there can be so many different typeface sizes used in one leaflet design, but it’s probably because it’s done way too well and looking at it simply without analysing it wouldn’t had given me such knowledge. Basically, from the very beginning when we have started to have seminars where such analysis was used, it helped me to deepen the whole research I took on each project to a different level. I’ve already been told that research is one of my strengths, but I happen to believe it is mainly because of such workshops that we have.

All of these things that happened in the studio like analysing, receiving feedback, workshops, experiments had an impact on the work that I produce and a better understanding on the things that needs to be done to achieve the best possible work, which I’m really thankful about.

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