Sequenced Image

During the last term in visual communication module I had been introduced what is the sequenced image and how to use different images to create a completely new meaning.

I have found working with sequenced images very interesting straight away. The whole idea that it can be 2 or more different images for example from different eras was fascinating. It turns out each of the image informs each other when they’re placed together. The interesting thing about it is that it can create a different meaning with the same images if it’s placed in a different order. Since I really liked the idea of it, I have decided to use such method for my artist book. Here’s an example:

From my personal archive.

Basically, when speaking about sequenced image my whole video trailer for this artist book shown above was based on using it. Here’s some of the examples of how I did it:

From my personal archive.

In conclusion, I have loved working with this method and I really hope that I will get a chance to use it more throughout my studies and as a practitioner in general.

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