Editorial Project

During the first term there was this project that I didn’t liked that much. This was an editorial project as seen from the tittle. So why I didn’t liked it?

Well first things first I didn’t liked it because I don’t see editorial projects interesting. The reason to this is basically it doesn’t allow to use much creativity hence it’s not really creatively stimulating. Editorial projects usually has to follow certain rules and placement of text and pictures, which feels more degrading for me rather than something that I would enjoy doing.

From my personal archive.

Secondly, I didn’t liked it, because it’s just simply boring. There’s nothing more boring for me than doing a work for someone that has already produced the content for it, yet couldn’t do the placement on the editorial piece. This is definitely why I haven’t enjoyed much following the layout from the “Art Review” magazine for this project.

When I think about the other project which I had for typography I have also realised that I don’t like doing my layout for such things too. Even though it could look creative, I feel like something like this is very boring for me so whatever I tried I just simply couldn’t manage.

From my personal archive.

In general, I don’t like magazines as they don’t appear as something that has been done with much effort. When I have been doing my research for both of these projects I have looked into so many magazines, yet I wasn’t able to find at least a single layout that would actually look interesting to me.

In conclusion, I don’t think editorial projects or anything related with magazine production is something that I would like to work with. I wouldn’t work for a place that would require me to do something like that either, I just simply don’t enjoy it.

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