Planning Ahead

I already have noticed patterns in my likes and dislikes, I have also talked what I have learned so far to conclude this term. But I also feel like there’s something additional that needs to be mentioned – which is basically the plan for the summer, but also for the second year.

As I have already mentioned some of the plans for the summer, I wanted to use this opportunity to show if they’re still the same. Basically, what I want to do during the summer is to actually start learning how to draw properly with tablet. I will be buying a tablet as soon as this term will end and I will start practising. When it comes to drawing, I will start learning how to do metal band logos, psychedelic and glitchy drawings etc. I’m also planning to learn how to code, since it is something that I wanted to learn when I started my studies. I want to start developing websites! The last thing that I want to do during the summer is to actually read some books about graphic design, so I would not only understand the technical side, but I would also have more knowledge about it in general. Basically, I just want to work on the things I’m passionate about and see how it all will go.

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It’s probably obvious from the posts that I wrote that I have liked doing the advertisement campaign project, so this is one of the things that I will keep exploring during summer. Not only just to improve as a graphic designer, but also as fashion blogger. I want to look more into psychology on how to sell it as I also want to be able to sell my own art as well as merchandise of my own.

Another plan for summer is not only to learn things, but also to put myself out there and create a variety of social media platforms. I know for a fact that I will create an Instagram account for my art, but as I know that algorithm isn’t nice at the moment, I know I will create a TikTok account for my art as well as it is a pretty new platform where the reach isn’t affected by the algorithm as much as Instagram is. I want to advertise myself as a practitioner as much as possible, so later my followers might become my clients of my employers.

When it comes to second year, I feel like there’s a lot of things I don’t know about it right now. What I mean by this I don’t know what kind of projects I will be having, but I’m pretty sure if I will have a possibility to choose from the things I need to do, I would choose something that I want to development skill in which is basically all of the things I have mentioned before in this post. In general, the second year makes me feel excited, as I will definitely try to apply for work placements.

In conclusion, there’s so many things that I’m planning to learn, but I’m pretty sure it will help me to see the direction better. As a matter of fact I know that anything related to promotional campaigns, website development and the styles of the content that I had mentioned in this post is all the things I want for now. But it will be also seen during the summer as I will give an updates on this blog.

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