Collaborative Work

Since this is the end of the term, I have wanted to write here about collaborative work as I’m finally able to share this experience in here and reflect on it.

I have noticed that I was usually the person that was organising the work flow. For instance I was the person who was splitting the work in the team. This experience gave me an understanding that I could even be an art director. Basically because I somehow felt like I was being one.

But I wasn’t just the person that had to organise the work, actually it was quite far from it. When it comes to working in team every opinion/feedback must be heard. For instance when we had been working on fixing our logo design, there was so many different options that we had for it to actually achieve the end result. But to be able to have all these different options, we all had to work as a team and give feedback to each possible version as well as give ideas how it can be improved or what typeface we could try next. Since there was a lot of communication within the team, it was something that has helped us produce a better work.

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The only thing that my team was lacking is equal participation. Sadly one of the team members usually either cancelled plans or left us early. In most cases that person was absent. It was quite hard to do all the things only as a team of 2, but we have managed do it. I feel like even if the circumstances make the work in team harder, one of the most important things is not to give up. I’m really glad that we didn’t and we kept working on our projects.

In conclusion, working in team was a definitely a challenge, but with the right communication and ambitions everything is achievable.

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