Book Cover Making

Looking back to the first semester and thinking what I have enjoyed the most, one of the things was definitely book cover making. I think it was interesting, because of the way I did it as I learned something too when it comes to software using.

So the idea for my book cover was the Big Bang, because without it all the things mentioned in the book wouldn’t exist. In general I have put a lot of thought into that project and I have used tools that might not be usual to draw Big Bang. I had a picture I took of the stars using long exposure, so I decided to use it as a main background. To simulate the effect of light I have been creating my own lens flares. To make all the lines and explosion effect, I created my own brushes from cloud and thunder pictures. I played a lot of different shades of blue, teal, purple, yellow, orange, which helped me to make it more realistic. The tutorial below has helped me a lot in creating my brushes:

From my own personal archive. #bookcover #finalbookcover

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