Design Contexts

Milky Way

I have always been interested in photography, but I never knew before how to properly edit pictures of the stars nor how to edit milky way. I have found this video on Youtube on how to do it and I would like to talk about it in this post. When I have started watching this […]

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Creativity Exercise

I have decided to take a look back to the very first week in university. Here’s something that I’ve found very interesting that we had been doing which was “squeezing the lemon” exercise and this is what I’ve thought about it. Basically, at first I was pretty skeptical about it as I haven’t understood what

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Book Cover Making

Looking back to the first semester and thinking what I have enjoyed the most, one of the things was definitely book cover making. I think it was interesting, because of the way I did it as I learned something too when it comes to software using. So the idea for my book cover was the

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Spon Spun Map

In the first semester I had a task where I needed to create a map for 2020 Spon Spun festival. This is one of the hardest task to me at that time since it was my first time I had to use Adobe Illustrator. Firstly I would like to talk about research I’ve made for

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