Creative Identities

Planning Ahead

I already have noticed patterns in my likes and dislikes, I have also talked what I have learned so far to conclude this term. But I also feel like there’s something additional that needs to be mentioned – which is basically the plan for the summer, but also for the second year. As I have

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While I’m definitely stressing about deadlines, I’m also feeling calm, because I know that pretty much soon I will have more time to develop my skills on the things I like the most as there will be more free time for it. Personally, I feel like deadlines is important part of development as a creative

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I have been given a new word of the week which was feedback, but I was meant to write with this post about the feedback I have received on my blog, but I have already done that, so I have decided to write about how feedback influenced my learning. Firstly, I was never used to

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Critique on PDP

In studio last week we all had been given a task to critique each other’s blogs. We all had to read each others blogs and to advice what could be done better. Here’s the feedback that I have received. So basically the main thing that they’ve told me is that my blog is missing some

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