
Nycxparys Website

Nycxparys is the brand that sells edgy clothing. As the clothing is edgy, they have also seem to wanted to capture it with their website which I would like to talk about within this post. Firstly, they’re using the gifs for their background, which isn’t ideal when it comes to viewing the information like product […]

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I have been given a new word of the week which was feedback, but I was meant to write with this post about the feedback I have received on my blog, but I have already done that, so I have decided to write about how feedback influenced my learning. Firstly, I was never used to

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Logo Design

One of the first tasks that I had been given this semester was to create logo design. I have never created a logo before, so it definitely was challenging to me. At first I had been struggling since I had no idea how to my make logo simple. There’s so many things that I would

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I had always been interested in mandalas. I liked how colourful they can be as well as the ones that are black and white. I have found this video which I have wanted to share. When I first found this video I couldn’t believe it that mandala can be made in 5 minutes. There’s so

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Typographic Posters

So before I have started making my own typographic poster, I wanted to do some research and see what other typographic posters I could find on the internet. I took this research to see how the typeface could actually incorporate the concept behind it. There was quite a few posters that I’ve liked, but I

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Critique on PDP

In studio last week we all had been given a task to critique each other’s blogs. We all had to read each others blogs and to advice what could be done better. Here’s the feedback that I have received. So basically the main thing that they’ve told me is that my blog is missing some

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Christopher Wool

During the first term I was required to choose a typographer for an essay project that I have been doing. I have looked into a few, but I’ve wanted someone who hasn’t done many typefaces in general as I’ve thought it would challenge me more. So this way I came across Christopher Wool. At first

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