Critique on PDP

In studio last week we all had been given a task to critique each other’s blogs. We all had to read each others blogs and to advice what could be done better. Here’s the feedback that I have received.

So basically the main thing that they’ve told me is that my blog is missing some posts from the first term. I completely agree with my peers on such feedback, and I have already started to act on it. I have already wrote a post from the things that I’ve done on the first term and this is about Christopher Wool. I’m planning to write few more posts about each of the module from both terms to be honest as I have realised there’s not much of these things, even though I have some ideas on what I could include in this blog.

The other thing that my peers had told me is that I lack of planning. But it’s not exactly true, because I have 2 posts where the main focus is the future, where planning is already evident. The other thing I would like to point out is that in some of my posts I’m already making plans for my summer break, for instance I want to learn better how to code and do some metal bands logos. For now I can’t do it, because I already have much going on with uni and my job on top of that.

When it comes to thinking on what feedback I could give to myself about this blog is basically that I should improve on each of the learning outcomes, because right now it’s not enough posts to actually see how much I have collected, reflected, connected of planned. I feel like the bigger amount of posts would actually help me to solve this issue, so this is what I’m going to do from now on.

In conclusion, I would like to do more posts on each of the modules as well as each aspect of the learning outcomes. I believe this would really help me to get a better grade. Basically the way I improve my art after feedback, the same way I’m planning to improve my blog.

From my personal archive.

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