
I had always been interested in mandalas. I liked how colourful they can be as well as the ones that are black and white. I have found this video which I have wanted to share.

When I first found this video I couldn’t believe it that mandala can be made in 5 minutes. There’s so much detailing and everything hence it doesn’t appear as something realistically done in 5 minutes time. But basically when I watched this video I have started to believe it. It seems pretty easy to get it done. Even though this mandala isn’t the type of mandala where are of the areas are filled in with different colours, it is still something to start with.


After watching this video I had already decided that is this is something I will be trying during my break from uni. As I have mentioned in the post of collaging methods, I like the things that are somewhat trippy. It could be because I grow up in a home where I saw a lot of them, but it also could be because I’m into spiritual things like meditation, crystals etc. I just simply like it hence this is why I really want to try it out. Right now it doesn’t seem to be a good time basically because there’s so much work to do due to submissions getting closer which takes my main focus.

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