I have taken the MBTI test quite a few times by now and every time I’ve got ENTP, so I know for a fact that I’m a debater and nothing has changed for years. Debaters in general have quite strong leadership abilities, which I have noticed is indeed one of my strengths, but it’s also the debating in a way as I’m able to convince people or it might just be interpersonal skills overall, but despite that, I know both of these things are definitely my strengths. From here on out and decided to see what is happening with my strengths, weaknesses and so on, so I could see what needs to be worked on the most as well as figure out what is the safest plan after graduating and then build up skills from there within a time where appropriate.

I have always been doing video editing for as long as I remember, it’s both for my social media and just as a hobby. I have also collaborated with quite a few brands throughout my Instagram fashion blog experience where I promoted their products and tried to negotiate terms and in some cases payments, which also gave me social media experience since my Instagram with over 60k followers by now. In terms of typography, I have noticed not everyone is doing so well and in comparison with other businesses and designs, not everyone does typesetting well. Also my music experiences and ability to connect multiple sounds to make one coherent one, for instance, the Ad Rework project from last semester.

One of the weaknesses that I want to improve on is Illustration, since doing website design, especially in graphic design studios it might be very much so required and plus I enjoy it. Being able to create everything myself from scratch is a goal. Another issue is my animation skills, it definitely needs something to be worked on as it definitely should come in handy in video editing. Another issue I have is time management, I always struggle with it and it has been this way for as long as I remember, I overestimate tasks and it is quite common with ADHD, but I have been working on it by leaving more and more time and spaces where I could catch up with the task, which is helpful but still needs to be improved more. Since one of my dreams is to work freelance from anywhere in the world, getting freelance jobs at first with no client experience would be rather tricky, so I think it’s best to build up from a design studio at first and get that experience, so it would become less of a weakness.

There are a lot of opportunities during this age, such as youtube tutorials, online courses, LinkedIn learning, mentoring and so on, it’s all accessible from the comfort of the home or pretty much anywhere, it’s a matter of taking them.

One of the biggest risks is definitely a bad SEO, despite me having knowledge of social media, SEO is definitely one thing that needs to be optimised better and there is no way of knowing what works and doesn’t without trying, so it can definitely lead to some fails at first, hence it’s best to preplan it in advance. The whole brand awareness might depend on SEO first and some networking, so it’s best to have some additional time while working an office job to build that up and test what works the best.

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