Previous Experiences

In a class I have been given a task to talk about memorable events since I have started university. Personally I think there wasn’t many things to begin with when it comes to the things I actually really liked.

So basically even though I had some favourites, they weren’t something I want to do in the future. Thing is I already know what I want to do. Of course I have enjoyed exploring different things and making the artist book, video, some projects like book cover, but these things weren’t exactly it. For example I have not enjoyed at all the task where I had to make a typeface, but I have enjoyed sessions with Pete about kerning and leading of the letters and I know this will be useful for me in the future for the work I want to do, so I was glad I had an opportunity to learn how to do it manually and digitally. This is something that I started to use in my work as it influenced me to do it the right way even when talking about my recent work which is poster design for design practice.

From my personal archive.

The other thing I have liked was collage methods and especially their application on the video trailer that I was doing. I loved the idea that 2 or more different images that are unrelated can give a different meaning in general. This is something that I never knew about and I was glad to discover it through the help of visual communication.

Then there’s another thing, I enjoy being able to apply photography skills in my work. I always used to love to take pictures and it was one of the things I was considering to study, but I’ve thought I want a career that will not only bring me satisfaction, but also money. So I had to discard such idea. But the soon I have realised that I can use it also in my work, it gave a completely new meaning to me. For example even when I was making my artist book, I have used all the pictures that has been taken by me.

From my personal archive.

Also, speaking from technical side, one of the things that didn’t knew was how to use In Design and Illustrator. I’m still not good with In Design, but I’m already getting better with Illustrator. Either way I feel like Illustrator and Photoshop is going to be one of the most important ones to me when it comes to graphic design studies. Even though on the free time when I create my content for my fashion blog from time to time I have to use Premiere too, because it helps me to edit videos and I feel like I’m getting better at it too step by step.

In general most of the things I’ve liked the most are the ones that has to be done digitally, but I’m happy about it, because I want to create my art digitally more than manually. So basically this is one of the biggest connections in between all the projects. When it comes to it’s relationship together, I feel like work doesn’t have to be done using only 1 software and that it can be a mix of them depending on the project. It also doesn’t have to be all done digitally.

When it comes to the future and how these things will help me to achieve a career I want, it is obvious that the main tools I will be using is Adobe software either if it’s Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver or photography. My main goals is the things I’m planning to do, which is to learn properly how to develop websites, do some metal band logos and look into branding more. So far I’m still learning how to create websites and I can’t talk much about it, but I’m getting there.

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