Self – Isolation

Since it’s quarantine and I’m self isolating myself and the whole country is on lockdown, I have decided that it would be good opportunity to spend this time by doing something useful. This is what I would like to talk about with this blog post.

To be honest, as for someone who is extrovert I usually need some inspiration and to clear my head by either being in nature or by meeting up with friends. It’s hard to do it now since my health is my top priority and if I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be able to do all the things I want to do. So basically what I’m doing during this situation is baring with it and staying at home. The thing that I’ve found helpful is that the weather seems very nice recently, there’s so much sun, so I leave opened windows for most part of the day and do my work in silence. This way I get the feeling that I’m still connected with nature and all the surroundings. I can hear birds chirping, I can hear the wind and also see sun and bits of nature. It makes me feel relieved as it gives me some clarity, it soothes me. This way I can still feel some inspiration and I think it’s very important during this time.

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As I have found a way to still feel connected, I had been able to come up with some plans as to what I could do during this time. Even though right now my main focus is my studies, I’m also trying to catch up with my fashion blog. I had been struggling with keeping up with it lately, but few days ago I have realised that I don’t like the way I edit such pictures anymore and I was able to come up solution. After submissions I would like to start practising on working on with some of the things like metal band logos, website development as well I have decided that it might be the time to start working on my own merchandise to make additional money. There’s so many things to do and I would like get the most from it, especially if this lockdown will last more than expected.

With all the things I would like to do I would like to talk about where I see myself after it. Well, basically I feel like I should have been already submitted my work for uni as well as I should have started working on improving my fashion blog and I feel like I might already have tried how to make metal band logo.

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