Shattered Glass Effect

For design practice I was meant to do a poster with a concept of destruction. Even though I have went through a lot of process, I have decided to stick with the idea of using shattered glass effect, but I wasn’t sure how to do it.

So firstly what I had to do is to look for the video tutorial’s how to do it, because I have never done anything like that before. So I came across a lot of video tutorial’s but I’ve found this one most helpful. It takes through variety of steps and shows everything with the smallest details.

The main issue with this video and with other ones was that in all of them they had already a shattered glass preset prepared and downloaded from somewhere. What I believe is very important is to actually be able to make a work by myself from 0 without using any other material found on internet to use. I also think this is the right way to produce work and it’s ethical. So I have looked around a lot in my home and I was close to breaking a glass where I pour my drinks to, but I have remembered I have some jars in the storage, luckily. The other thing I have needed to decide it to how actually I can make this jar work and how to break it without having to pick all the pieces from the ground. So I came up with solution to this and I have decided to place it in a bag, which worked out well. The only downside to this was I had to go outside and smash it there and I was scared it will be loud, but it wasn’t.

The other thing I was struggling with is to pick a texture for my poster, because in this video like in the other ones they have been using either grungy texture or something with rips. I didn’t wanted that, I wanted something mine. This is why I decided to use a rose quartz crystal as my texture. To be honest I have already talked about it in my post where I was designing my poster, but I believe I haven’t went that much into detail of how I explored, selected and planned it.

Basically, this video has helped me to get the idea of how I should design my shattered glass poster, because even though I took some steps to make it, the whole textures and a glass was everything made by me or either it was the items I had in my home.

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