Spon Spun Map

In the first semester I had a task where I needed to create a map for 2020 Spon Spun festival. This is one of the hardest task to me at that time since it was my first time I had to use Adobe Illustrator.

Firstly I would like to talk about research I’ve made for this project. Since we all had a trip to Spon End I was able to see colour palettes that are used on the buildings. I was also researching some medieval colours palettes and medieval maps. I have looked how Spon Spun festival website looks to see their brand colours as well as I have looked into other festival maps to get the general idea what is used there. The idea behind it was simple, I have wanted my map to have something medieval, but nothing too much that would make it look overwhelmed since it was meant to be minimalistic design.

I had so many issues when I have started designing for project as I had no idea how pen tool works and how am I supposed to create a map using it. I also been struggling with the shapes if I have wanted to create unusual shape by adding more points to the point where I couldn’t have it anymore. And even then I never gave up and kept trying. My first map wasn’t good at all from my point of view. It wasn’t following Z fold, the shapes used were weird and had no references as to what it can be. The typography was also bad and it took most of the space.

From my personal archive.

Since I had been given a critique on how to improve my work, I took a break from this project, because at that time it was very confusing to me. After a while when I came back to it I have decided to change my map design in general, since it was bad and I haven’t liked it at all. It took me a while of experimenting and playing around till I was finally happy with how it turned out.

From my personal archive.

There’s quite a few things that I have learned when I was making this project for example that sometimes patience and the ability to keep trying is really important. I have also learned better how to work with pen tool even though till this day I feel like I still need to learn more about it, but then again it is something that I will be doing during holiday. Even though I didn’t liked this project, I feel like this had a positive impact in my development as a creator.

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