
Planning Ahead

I already have noticed patterns in my likes and dislikes, I have also talked what I have learned so far to conclude this term. But I also feel like there’s something additional that needs to be mentioned – which is basically the plan for the summer, but also for the second year. As I have

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iPhone Dark Mode

As someone who is using iPhone as my phone, there’s some things I would like to talk about. Remember good old Tumblr with it’s dark background and light text? Well, this is something that iPhone decided to do with their iOS 13. Do I like it or not? Me being someone that uses phone for

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While I’m definitely stressing about deadlines, I’m also feeling calm, because I know that pretty much soon I will have more time to develop my skills on the things I like the most as there will be more free time for it. Personally, I feel like deadlines is important part of development as a creative

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I had been given word “time” as the word of the week. In this post I would like to talk about what time actually means to me, how it influences my work as well as how focusing on things too long used to affect my work. Time in general is something helps to understand some

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I have been given a new word of the week which was feedback, but I was meant to write with this post about the feedback I have received on my blog, but I have already done that, so I have decided to write about how feedback influenced my learning. Firstly, I was never used to

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I had always been interested in mandalas. I liked how colourful they can be as well as the ones that are black and white. I have found this video which I have wanted to share. When I first found this video I couldn’t believe it that mandala can be made in 5 minutes. There’s so

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Critique on PDP

In studio last week we all had been given a task to critique each other’s blogs. We all had to read each others blogs and to advice what could be done better. Here’s the feedback that I have received. So basically the main thing that they’ve told me is that my blog is missing some

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When it comes to studio there’s quite a few things I would like to talk about. Starting with the opportunities, challenges it gives and ending with the way it has influenced my work. Firstly I would like to talk about the idea that having a studio is amazing. It’s not only a place to learn,

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