
Planning Ahead

I already have noticed patterns in my likes and dislikes, I have also talked what I have learned so far to conclude this term. But I also feel like there’s something additional that needs to be mentioned – which is basically the plan for the summer, but also for the second year. As I have

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Collaborative Work

Since this is the end of the term, I have wanted to write here about collaborative work as I’m finally able to share this experience in here and reflect on it. I have noticed that I was usually the person that was organising the work flow. For instance I was the person who was splitting

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Leaflet Design

I had been given a task for my advertisement campaign to design the leaflet. It had to use the same visual language as I have used on my poster, but it had to be expanded. As a leaflet’s purpose is to inform, I also needed to write all the text, which I have found very

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Patterns In My Work

During first year I had a chance to produce a variety of work and there’s quite a few things I already talked about in my blog, so I have decided to look at the patterns of it. The first thing I have noticed is that I like to apply photography in my work. One of

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Tina Touli

Since I have attended the talk with Tina Touli I was really inspired by her work and the way she produces it. With this post I would like to talk how she has inspired me and how it helped me to produce my work. What I have found very fascinating about her work was definitely

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