
I had been given word “time” as the word of the week. In this post I would like to talk about what time actually means to me, how it influences my work as well as how focusing on things too long used to affect my work.

Time in general is something helps to understand some of the things better than some times passes. For instance there’s some things that I haven’t understood when I took a glance at them, but after some time I start to see things. The same applies not only when it comes to seeing and noticing things, but also learning. Even though we all adjust to particular things differently, but we all need some time for it to happen. But it also might be because I always like to analyse things way too much.

When speaking of learning, time is something that helps me to deepen my knowledge. Only with time I’m able to learn more, but only if I’m able to give it some time. What I mean by this is that the more I work on some projects, the better outcome it might have and the better work will be as a result to this.

Image source: https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Drawing-Sands-of-Time/519729/4982135/view

As someone who’s perfectionist, I always felt like I always need more time and that I don’t have enough of it. I always used to focus on the some things for way too long which leaves me with less time for other things. With some time I was able to realise that and I have started to work on fixing it rather than self-sabotaging myself and my work.

In conclusion, I have noticed that time plays the crucial part in my learning and understanding things as I tend to analyse them a lot, though it’s better not to focus on some of the things for too long, since it might leave me with less time for other tasks.

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