Tina Touli

Since I have attended the talk with Tina Touli I was really inspired by her work and the way she produces it. With this post I would like to talk how she has inspired me and how it helped me to produce my work.

What I have found very fascinating about her work was definitely the way she uses things that I would have never thought about using. For instance her work where she used water which seems something so accessible for everyone. I was really mesmerised by it and it has given me an idea on how I could things that are around me to produce my work. When she was showing her work, I remembered the photos I took with the projector showing the different backgrounds, I have realised that it could be something used in my work in the future.

Image source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/694398836270597116/

When I had to produce my poster for design practise, I instantly remembered Tina Touli’s talk and started to think what I could use for my work from the things that I have access to. Since the task itself was promoting the use of variety of tools, it definitely was something that I had been considering. Here’s some of the things that I had been considering in the very beginning:

From my personal archive.

I have wanted something that would give a feeling of nature or a glass. But I have decided not to choose these things for my work as I have wanted something more bold with colours rather than something that might seem too boring and dull. I have already wrote here about the way I have produced this poster in 2 other posts.

In conclusion, Tina Touli has inspired me to experiment with the tools are around me. I feel like it was also a fun experiment I had when making my poster and I’m sure I will have more experiments like this in the future.

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