Women In Tech – Overview

What I Have Enjoyed and Learned

I really enjoyed working on this project since my team has been really consistent with the participation and we all had a lot of ideas. It was also really easy to encourage my team in some cases if needed and initiating some of the workflow like voting for campaign names or planning content and marketing strategies for deliverables or even the team meeting suggestions after each client meeting to discuss some changes. Me and my team constantly shared feedback and any issues regarding designs and ideas which made the whole process more enjoyable since I felt like I could count on my team 100%. I enjoyed that we all have tried to come up with different designs at first and try out as many different ideas as possible and that we haven’t went for the first possible concept idea. We all had ideas for both logo and poster designs and even though it made the whole process a bit chaotic as there was quite a lot of different ideas, it definitely helped to push through. I also liked that there was no particular person responsible for team leading, we all went with the flow and each of us got to initiate some of the process. I believe this is how it should be in professional environment. When it comes to what I have learned during this project one of the things that I would like to highlight is that I have tried to use some of well known industry standards for instance using grids more than before, trying to apply responsive design, and tried to use InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop for separate parts of the design where appropriate. I also deepened the skills when it comes to working with team and sharing all of the ideas and being always supportive of the team. Another thing that was going well is time management and how the whole workflow was phased.

Participation and Organisation

As mentioned before I was participating as much as possible, which basically was all the time when needed. I have been giving a lot of feedback to my team and I got almost the same response back from them as well. All of my tasks were planned out in advance, I knew what I need to do in every occasion due to brilliant communication with the team since we were all setting tasks for ourselves, so there was no need to explain some of the things as we all understood each other. We all kept sharing ideas and inspiration and really took our time to think about some things that probably can be proven by screenshots of the conversations that is regarding our whole concept and message for instance and what we wanted to communicate with our work. All of us also suggested meetings and such, so there’s not much to add here since the whole participation and organisation was really consistent from my and my teams side.

I think it was really a good practice regarding the industry, since I would imagine a lot of projects would require such a team input where everyone is fully participating and sharing their ideas etc.

Time Management

Time management throughout this whole project was really good in my opinion, I was always making sure to find time for my team and prioritised them. I feel like it’s important to always be heard and be able to share thoughts at any time, so it worked out pretty well too. A lot of things can be seen on Trello with the days on which things where posted and WhatsApp screenshots too. I was also here managing my own time as I go, I know it’s sometimes the best way especially since after the previous project I had where I had to do some of the things last minute due to some members not participating. I wanted to see how the things are working out and when I gave myself a task or agreed with the team on something, I used to do it in a timely manner before our next meeting with a client, so we could show enough progress and get more feedback. I think feedback is really important and since I wanted to maximise it, it was motivating me as well to stay on top with my duties I had.


I don’t have many concerns regarding this project since it went quite smoothly, though I think a bit more time could have helped us to make some of the additional material that we were planning at first. But since we have been properly explained on what we need to submit quite close to the deadline, we all had to slow down and focus on the submission like live project pdf and blogs.

Another concern I had is also more of a personal one and it’s that even though I wanted to try something different for this project, it looks a bit similar to what I have designed previously for other projects in a way, but it’s definitely something that I want to work on In the future, since in industry briefs won’t be letting me to do something like this. There’s always place for improvement, but what I thought is important is me acknowledging the issue at first.

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