Women In Tech – Week 8

During this last week of the project we were mainly focusing on doing some minor adjustments for most part, preparing mock-ups and so on.

I have also been preparing a prototype as I wanted to do a hover effect at least on the website, but it there seemed to be some slight inconsistencies. In Figma itself where I was able to preview the prototype, it seemed like the buttons are somehow layered with other colour on sides when hovered, but when zoomed in this issue disappeared. Despite this, I did it anyways since I wanted  to showcase how would website react to particular movements.

I also wanted to make big typeface sections to have a sliding typeface, but I couldn’t find a single tutorial on how to do it in Figma. I could have produced the gif for it, but there was not enough time left to ensure it’s done properly rather than just done, but still it was an idea.

To conclude this, I feel like this was the best teamwork project I have ever had. I was really lucky with the team I got since everyone was contributing. I know in industry I might not always get this lucky, but it was really motivating to experience something like this especially since in previous projects I wasn’t always lucky or getting all the teammates who would contribute equally as it should.

I have learned quite a few things here as I have tried to challenge myself and produce some things to industry standards and I think it was a good practice which will make me more ready for the future and I truly appreciate this chance that I’ve got.

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